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What Class Are You In?

Click below for information!


Spanish Students


English Students


What is your extra credit policy?

If you do not have any missing assignments, you will have the opportunity to complete extra credit on unit tests for up to an additional ten points per test. On the final exam, you have the opportunity to earn an additional thirty points via this extra credit option.

I'm confused. How do I contact you with any questions?

My contact information and planning period is found on your class' syllabus. However, I have included a form below in addition to this if you are unable to reach me via my email or phone!

How should I act in your class?

You should give each other and yourself the respect you all deserve. I do not go over "rules" in class because ALL of you are at least 14, and thus should know how to act. If you become a distraction, I will address it and you will lose participation points.

What's your favorite Shakespeare class?

Glad you asked. I'm a fan of the Scottish play...


Ask Away

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